Sometimes You Won’t Be Enough

Sometimes You Won’t Be Enough

Dec 27, 2021

Sometimes you will not be enough for the people you love.

You might know it, and it will probably suck.

Sometimes the people you love won’t be enough for you.

You might tell them, and it will probably suck.

It is not our duties as human beings in relationship to be perfectly aligned at all times. It’s not our job to be each other’s everything.

When we stand at the threshold that separates what we are and what others want us to be, we’re going to be presented with a choice:

Be more of the person they want you to be, or don’t.

How you answer that choice depends entirely upon what you assess to be within your integrity.

Sometimes it will be a make or break, but often and in tiny ways it will not be.

And so many times and in so many ways we will learn to keep living and loving through these tiny incongruities. Remaining separate individuals.

And so many times and in so many ways we will learn what it’s like to move ourselves closer to fit the desires of another, from a solid place of choice rather than insecurity and fear.

Because on the cosmic scale none of this is about not being enough.

It’s about taking on life and love for the ways it can bring us more strongly into who we were born to be.

Together and apart.