Differentiationist Anarchism

Differentiationist Anarchism is a framework that regards the development of differentiation of self as a foundational necessity in the cultivation of non-hierarchical societies. The development of cultures of differentiation serve as prophylactics of abuse, violence, and domination, and where attempts to commit acts of abuse and domination occur, a culture of differentiation is well equipped to respond and cut it off at the root.

It is a weaving together of psychological theories, most notably the work of the late David Schnarch, with political theories. It is a prefigurative set of strategies that aims to produce culture.

The Manifesto

Read the manifesto. An overview of what differentiationist anarchism is, what it’s core beliefs and aims are.

Self-Authorship and Differentiationist Anarchism

How theories of adult cognitive development can inform the creation of differentiationist anarchist cultures. Emphasis is placed on growth through the lifespan and an inherent value of intergenerational communities.

Culture, Meaning Making, and Post-Capitalist Labor

How differentiation influences the development of functional, coordinated and cooperative societies without the use of coercive control.